Setting Life Goals

Having a goal set will always let you achieve more in life.  You can tell yourself all the time that you will get it done, but if you don’t set that goal, you may never achieve what you want. You aren’t going to push yourself to get anything done. I started to make a list of goals/things I want to accomplish. As I go through that list I am going to pick one item and give myself a time frame to accomplish it. This way I know I will make progress in my life. Continue reading “Setting Life Goals”

My 20th Birthday

Waking up on my birthday today was just like a normal day. A normal day with people constantly telling you “Happy Birthday” and you in return telling them “Thank you”. My birthday is nothing special to me. It hasn’t been for the last few years. The last two years since my 18th birthday I sit and think to myself “What am I doing?”, “Where am I going?”, “Where do I need to be headed?”, and “Who am I?” Continue reading “My 20th Birthday”